The Phrygian Valley
/ By Josh
The ancient heartland of the Phygian civilization, the Phrygian Valley is a land of fanciful rock towers, cave churches, great carved shrines, and beautiful landscapes.
The city of Ankara managed to stay relatively unimportant through history despite a large number of history’s most famous, and infamous, figures leaving a mark. Passing conquerors like Alexander the Great and Tamerlane fought here in their endless campaigning while Phrygians, Romans, Byzantines, and Turks have all called it home. Since becoming the capital of the Republic of Turkey in 1923 the once poor and neglected city of Ankara has seen a stunning transformation. Pictures from the early 1900’s reveal a shabby mix of ancient ruins and simple stone houses in the midst of Central Anatolia’s rolling hills. Its position as capital brought money, jobs, universities, and ultimately, a transformation into the bustling metropolis that it is today. While people in Istanbul may be quick to say that “the most beautiful thing in Ankara is the road back to Istanbul” there’s plenty of natural beauty, history, and modern sites to make Ankara worth visiting.