The City of Düzce
/ By Sean
Find your way to Düzce and you’ll discover a charming city nestled in rural, historical, and natural beauty boasting a new city centre, gorgeous waterfalls, and delicious ranch and guesthouse restaurants.
Düzce is the youngest of Turkey’s 81 provinces. It is located at the far western end of the Black Sea Coast. In many ways, its history is a mystery because of the devastation of recurring violent earthquakes in the region compounded by an extremely high rate of immigration and emigration. However, Düzce is home to some stunning historical sites that are just starting to get the attention and excavation that they deserve.
Over 70 languages are spoken as mother tongues in this province, making it one of the most culturally diverse places in Turkey. Wander into the villages and you will still find unique customs and delicious cuisine.
Düzce is a natural greenhouse. It is lush, full of waterfalls, rivers, forests, and glens. There is huge biodiversity which makes it a perfect stop for hikers, campers, and all stripes of outdoorists. You will also find fresh produce nearly year round, especially the local specialty, hazelnuts.