Thank you for your interest contributing to The Art of Wayfaring. We will consider using photos, articles, or blog posts describing your travels in Turkey.

AOW is selective in what it chooses to publish. For your content to be considered, please follow the following guidelines:

In submitting content, please consider our vision and values, and do not submit content we already have on the site. However, if you have a new angle on something we’ve already covered, we will consider reviewing it.

All guest submissions can be sent to:

In your email, please include your full name, mailing address and digital addresses (email, social media, etc) along with the contribution you wish to make.

After your article is submitted, our editor will review it and respond within 3-6 weeks. All submissions are subject to rejection without explanation.

If AOW chooses to make use of your submission, the content you submitted will belong to the site, but we will be sure to credit you for it.

Thanks again for the interest and happy travels!